Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Bean

As I was lying in bed, before falling asleep, I thought I’d try to connect with Beanie, one of our cats, to see if I could have a conversation with him about his illness. I’ve been really wanting to know how he is feeling and what his thoughts are regarding the treatment options for his Hyperthyroidism.

I connected. Then I asked if he would like to talk with me about it. He said no. I told him I was really concerned and that I valued his input. He hesitated and then said yes. I could tell he was just saying yes to make me happy, but that he didn’t really want to talk about it. So I told him, “You know what? I will just let it go. I’m sorry I was pushing you so hard to talk. Clearly you don’t want to.”

After this, he just relaxed and seemed so much more peaceful. Then he said “I have something to show you.” I saw a very clear image of an angel in my mind. Complete with wings, and looked like a female. He said “she is always with you”. I thought this was so lovely and I told him Thank you.

Then he showed me my hands and forearms. I was unsure what this meant at first. My first instinct was to think about the arthritis in my hands and wrists, so I asked him if this is what he was showing me. Then I saw a pen in my hand. And I realized that he was telling me that this angel is helping me to write. She is writing through my hands.

This thought was so incredible and beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. I told Beanie Thank You again. The amazing thing about this gift is how it really helps me to feel so fully supported by the universe. This has been a big issue for me, my whole life I have felt unsupported, regardless of whether or not this is truly the case. And now I see that, not only am I supported by beings I cannot see, but I probably have been my whole life. Spirit really wants me to be successful and to do well and is helping me every step of the way along my path.

For that I am truly grateful.
Thank you Beanie.