Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quiet Day

Today has been a pretty quiet day. It's snowing outside and the temperature is dropping fast. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 14 degrees. Ouch! The heating company dropped by and fixed the furnace for us. Thank goodness!

We feel so grateful to have gotten this new furnace. I really do appreciate that the state offers Weatherization Grants to help us out. We don't qualify for assistance paying the heating bills or food stamps, thanks to the unemployment check and Walter working part-time. Thankfully, the income limit is a little higher for the Weatherization Grant. I think it is probably meant to help people just like us. The contractors have all been amazing and I am so grateful for everything we are receiving, as well as the wonderful people who have been helping us along the way.

I know we won't be in this position long, however! I can feel all of the amazing goodness right on the horizon for us. Well, it's here now, actually! And it's only getting better.

The birds keep telling me to hang in there and that incredible things are coming for us. I really hope so. They have been waiting so patiently for me to have my babies and raise them up past babyhood and into childhood. Just when Ella got to the age where she could really get involved with them, I went and had another baby! Sorry, birds. We'll get there! Luckily Max is so easy-going and it should happen a lot sooner this time around.

They have been so well behaved lately. Maggie has been getting out with us more and more these days. It's hard because Max cries when he sees her- he worries that she might scream at any moment. But we had a great session the other day where I got him smiling and laughing with her. Then I made sure to put her away while we were in the moment and ended it on a positive note.

I keep promising Rodney that he will get to live with us out in the dining room as soon as Walter gets a full-time job. I think he really gets it because he has been doing very well up there. He has not been too nesty and even has a lovely yellow feather trying to poke through the bald skin on his back!

I'm very excited to be doing my first animal communication case study this Friday!!!! Even though I have been getting lots of practice, this feels like the "official" start of my new career path. It feels like how I would imagine it would to jump off a cliff into the ocean. Scary and frightening, yet fun and exhilirating at the same time. I really want to do a great job. It's very important that I develop my skills as much as possible, so that I may serve the birds that have served me all these years. I want to make them proud.