Friday, December 11, 2009

My Animal Communication Journey

I woke up at 4:45 this morning thinking "It's time." It's time to start talking about the animal communication part of myself and stop leaving it out of conversation as if it's a separate part of me.
Learning animal communication has been quite a journey so far. It's been a spiritual awakening, really. I don't know how anyone can learn something like this without opening up on a spiritual level.

It hasn't been easy, that's for sure. I come from a family that doesn't believe much in anything that can't be seen. I have a degree in Biology from UCLA, and that strong scientific background doesn't support belief in things of this sort. Both of these contribute to blocks I have had to work through as I develop my skills.

As I learn more and prepare to work professionally, I am beginning to tell people about what I am doing. This is a very scary process. Many people are not open to these ideas. Some have strong religious beliefs and feel this conflicts with them. Some are just like me- coming from a very scientific background, eyeing suspiciously anyone who claims to be able to do work of this nature.

Some of my friends do not know what to say when I tell them I can talk to animals now. I haven't had any response from several people. Others just go on as if I never mentioned it at all. It's hard when this happens. I have no idea what they think of me or what I am doing. Yeah, I know. I claim to be able to telepath with animals, yet I can't read people's minds. I understand the skeptic's viewpoint. I was one, once. It's not that I can't read people's minds. I'm sure it's a skill some people practice and develop. I simply don't believe it's right to go poking around where I have no business. I have the same philosophy regarding animals, too. I don't speak with every animal I meet, only the ones that specifically come to me for help.

In order to improve one's skills in telepathy, it is vital to "clean out the closet" of our minds. This can be upsetting and painful at times, but in the end is more than worth it. Pulling experiences and painful memories from the dark recesses of our mind, working through the accompanying emotions, and finally letting them go is quite transformational. The entire process results in emotional stability, deep inner peace and an opening up to the universe which allows that inflow of information. Some develop this inflow to talk with angels and light beings, some talk with dead people, some access the collective consciousness. And some talk to animals. The most surprising thing about this journey is that I now receive information from many sources. Not just animals.

Despite the hardships, this journey into animal communication has been an incredibly beautiful one. So beautiful that I highly recommend that every animal lover go through it themselves, if at all possible. The animals have such profound insight. They are leading me down the most spectacular road. I just can't escape the feeling that I am "home" now. I am right where I belong. The feeling of wholeness and oneness permeates my being. I don't ever remember feeling so connected; to the world, myself, animals, nature, and other people.

This beautiful journey into Animal Communication is my church. It's my path. It's my joy.